Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank you once again and Here It Is, The Big Update...

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Most of you are likely lethargic from the effects of dinner. Hopefully you've all eaten well and had a great day.

I just wrote a huge update to A Lady's Perogative, with an Epilogue and a Thanksgiving Day Theme as well that sets it up nicely for the next instalment if you have enough energy to read it. Starting it from the beginning of the last chapter will get you close to the new section.

Remember that it has a new location from the menus at the top of the blog. If you are so tired from having such a great meal that you cannot even move the mouse that far to the top of the page, then here's the link.

I Hope That You Enjoy.

All the best to you and most of all, thank you!

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